Next generation exclusivity
The elegant and spacious 19-passenger interior features an understated blend of the best available furniture and finishes and the well-being promoting atmosphere of a humidified 6,400ft cabin altitude.
The ultimate aircraft for luxury charter
Whether travelling for pleasure or business, from the moment we welcome you onboard you can expect a truly unique experience.
The elegant and spacious 19-passenger interior features an understated blend of the best available furniture and finishes and the well-being promoting atmosphere of a humidified 6,400ft cabin altitude.
Our dedicated charter team is available 24 hours a day, ensuring a fast, accurate response to your enquiry. We listen carefully to your request, confirming availability and quoting for any special travel or catering requirements.
Acropolis Aviation is the proud launch customer for the ACJ320neo. The business jet variant of the A320 airliner boasts drag-reducing sharklets and new high-efficiency engines giving it an outstanding performance range of 12 hours.
Cabin space is versatile to suit our diverse clientele, from heads of state to private individuals flying for business or leisure.
Acropolis Aviation is made up of a friendly and helpful team of professionals, based at Farnborough Airport.